How to fill this month with gratitude - and an awesome giveaway!

Happy Fall Y’All!

I love this time of year – the crisper air, brilliant colors, cozy sweaters. At least for a few days, there’s a bit of a lull between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Oh, I know that’s not true commercially, but often in our homes, schools, offices there’s a slightly slower pace.

We know what’s coming…don’t we?

So I like to spend this little sliver of time, before the holiday rush, aka the holidaze, taking a few deep breaths and finding ways to commemorate this season of thanks. If you’re hanging out on Instagram or Facebook, you can see there is no shortage of ideas.

Here are a few things I’m doing…trying to keep it pretty simple.

  • #30daythanks – I’ve done this a few times over the years By committing to post one or a few things each day I’m grateful for, my awareness of the beauty around me peaks. It’s kind of amazing! I miss so much when I go through my day on automatic pilot. This little act slows me down, sensitizes me, and makes me appreciate life more. (If you’re doing this, or want to join me, tag me @elisedalyparker or use #30daythanks so I can find you. You can find me here.)

  • A Blessing Jar – I dug out a blessing jar a friend gave me years ago. (You can use any jar or vase.) My husband and I are “successful nesters” (our name for empty nesters because my husband finds that term too negative). We were always mindful about being grateful when the kids were home. But there’s no reason we can’t still be intentional now just the two of us. So each one of us is writing something we’re grateful for on a small scrap of paper and putting it in the jar. At the end of the month, we’ll read through our thanks together.

  • Family Thanks – When we gather for Thanksgiving, I like to make sure we all participate in some form of intentional thanks together. It can be a simple go-around-the-table prompt like, “What are you most grateful for this year?” One of my favorite ways to take this up a notch is to grab some small branches from our backyard, cut out some leaf shapes from construction paper, have each person write and share what they’re grateful for, and hang their leaf on the tree with a hole punch and twine. Easy and makes a cute decoration too!

So how about you? Do you do anything to add an extra dash of gratitude to Thanksgiving – either on the days leading up to it…or the day of? Just hit reply. I'd love to hear about it.

Happy November and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Always in your corner,


PS Don’t miss this opportunity to enter the Begin Within Birthday Giveaway. There are fabulous prizes and awesome freebies and resources too. The deadline is today, November 3. So enter right away. More info below!

This week we’re celebrating the 3rd birthday of Twyla Franz's Begin Within series with a GIVEAWAY

Three prizes are available:

✨ PRIZE ONE: Gratitude Bundle (to help you cultivate year-round gratitude). $215+ value

✨ PRIZE TWO: Fall Favorites Bundle (to help you enjoy the season). $130+ value

✨ PRIZE THREE: $300 Target Gift Card (to spend as you please)

Click Here to Enter Today!!

Begin Within is a beautiful Gratitude Series of stories my friend Twyla Franz at The Uncommon Normal has been hosting for three years. Read the stories and find hope, faith, and inspiration, even in the midst of a challenge. Click here for my story - I hope it blesses you!

Let's Connect:

Elise Daly Parker

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