Happy New Year and a powerful way to choose One Word for the New Year - Inside!

Dear Friend,

Are you feeling a little behind already when it comes to this New Year? Well you just might be comparing yourself to too many picture-perfect social media posts!

Raise your hand if you are more like me out here in the real world easing into 2023.

Oh phew - I knew it wasn't just me!

And, if you are a planner who uses systems well and already have your One Word or a theme, Scripture, etc., and are well on your way to implementing your New Year's goals, yay you!

Regardless, there's room for all of us at this table of life. Because there really isn't just one way...there really isn't just one right way.

And there really is only one you and that is your superpower.

So this year, if you do nothing else, will you please show up in this world as you, perfectly imperfect you? It's taken me a long time to do this. I've struggled with people-pleasing, comparison, chasing shiny objects, saying yes when everything deep inside me says no, feeling I'm never enough and never do enough, shoulding all over myself. I could go on. The point is, I've wasted a lot of time trying to be like someone else, when all along the me in-process is just fine.

For years, I had a saying on my refrigerator..."God loves us just the way we are, but too much to leave us that way" (credited to Leighton Ford). This was a daily reminder that I am loved right here, right now. I don't have to be anyone or do anything different. Opportunities to grow and evolve come our way constantly because life is dynamic, full of changes, and definitely an ongoing journey. And God is there with us through it all. Loving us perfectly, guiding us even through the hardest parts of our lives. That brings me hope and peace. I hope it does you too.

Now back to the New Year...Though I like to ease in, I also love a New Year. My eagerness depends somewhat on the year before. 2022 wasn't a bad year by any means. But there were some unanticipated physical challenges that crept into all parts of my life and resulted in some of my goals, dreams, and visions being stalled and stopped in some cases. So I'm ready for 2023. It's like opening a brand-new journal of blank pages, full of promise.

One of the things I love is to choose One Word for the New Year (OWNY). When I started replacing a list of resolutions with One Word over 10 years ago, I found it freeing and fun. Since then, I've shared this approach through blogs and workshops. In fact, I conducted an informal OWNY workshop on New Year's Day. People found it so helpful, I thought you might too. Click for your One Word for the New Year Playbook to help guide you to your word. And if you'd like to watch/listen to a live One Word for the New Year instagram workshop I did a couple of years ago, you can access that here.

I love OWNY...and even more, I love Vision Boards! Usually my One Word for the New Year takes center stage on my board. And my Vision Board sits on my desk...a constant reminder of what I'm aiming toward, dreaming of, envisioning for the year. It's a perfect way to keep my Word, dreams, and goals in mind. And since we naturally move toward what we keep in front of us, Vision Boards are powerful!

Why not join me for a Virtual Vision Board Workshop on Thursday, January 12, from 7:30 - 9 pm, EST. I promise, it will be fun and fruitful! Hurry though, seats are limited.

I'm excited about 2023. We've all been through a lot...I have faith and hope that a good year is ahead. And I'm praying and hoping you and yours will have your best year yet!

Always in your corner,


"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time!"

Vision Boards are a powerful way to determine, articulate, and claim your goals, dreams, visions for your life. And there's nothing like putting one together for the New Year.

Join me for this virtual workshop. Not just a pretty collage, your Vision Board will help you move toward your best life...and help make your dreams become reality!

Use Code SAVE5 for exclusive savings.

Get Your Virtual Vision Board Workshop Ticket Here

Let's Connect:

Elise Daly Parker

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