How a few weeks on bedrest have taught me lessons on giving and receiving

Hi there, Mom!

Though not like Christmas, Easter is still a holiday of gift-giving. So it's got me feeling thankful for the many gifts sprinkled throughout life, if we pay attention.

Thanks for the gift of your concern about me. I am doing better. I got through my MRI and let's just say my back has issues. I’m still on a lot of bedrest, but I’m getting better each day. Thanks to all the rest, prayers, three to four times of physical therapy each week…and also the kindness of others.

Can I tell you…when you’re spending a lot of time alone and you’re a people-person, it gets lonely.

It was such a gift to receive

  • Get well cards – yes actual paper cards in the mail
  • A little check-in text or call - it feels like a lifeline (even if I couldn’t talk at that moment)
  • Flowers – a beautiful double-batch of pink tulips that have brought Spring into my whole house
  • Bone broth – one of my friend’s specialties!!

I definitely am not saying this to guilt anyone or add to your already busy life. But we all get those ideas to do something nice…and then the thought gets lost in the shuffle of life. (I’m also not saying this to get you to send me a card lol.)

It’s been such a reminder to me, though. Send the text. Make the call. Have a few cards at the ready with some stamps. If you have that little nudge, follow through. I personally want to do better with this.

Oh my goodness – and the latest on Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World!

I humbly apologize if you’re one of the people who tried to pre-order and was unable to. We definitely had a battle on our hands to get our book out into the world. We were so excited to have the book available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Walmart…and then bam! All the sites proclaimed Currently Unavailable.

And on the day the book was supposed to be ready to ship – there were messages of limited supply. That would be good news if the book wasn’t supposed to be available on demand!! We have no explanation.

Despite all this, we made it to #6 in Amazon New Releases – Devotionals. That was an unanticipated gift!! And the book is now widely available.

So don’t miss out! Buy the book!! And while you're at it, buy a few. They make the perfect Easter gift.

Speaking of Easter...I pray each one of us would be touched by the mysterious and miraculous of what happened on the day that changed everything. He is risen indeed!

God bless you and yours!

Always cheering for you,


Meet the co-authors of Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World! Episode 26 of the MomVision podcast is a very special episode, one all moms will relate to. Plus, it's full of wisdom and nuggets on how to gain unshakable peace despite our circumstances. I know you'll love it. Tune in as you make the Easter preparations!

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Elise Daly Parker

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