How to Pursue Peace Even When You're Feeling Stressed

Hey Mama!

It’s the darndest thing…

Just last week I was on a total high with all the good stuff that was happening. I was honored to have guest articles sharing some of the key lessons I’ve learned on the path of life. There was the announcement of my new book, Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World. And I have a few guest spots coming up on some podcasts that I’m excited about.

It was thrilling. Cue the line “Everything’s going my way…” from Oklahoma’s “Oh What a Beautiful Morning.”

Then, the tide shifted a bit. I had been dealing with some physical health issues. I had hip surgery last year and my walking has been off since. I was feeling better and better. Until I wasn’t…and I started feeling worse and worse. It was so bad I couldn’t really stand up straight or walk comfortably. I tried Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, Acupuncture. And then a Spine Specialist.

I’m still in the midst of finding out what’s wrong and how we can fix this.

I can tell you the first few days on bedrest, I was not at peace.

Ask my husband who is lucky enough to always have a front-row seat to the real me.

I tried standing in the shower a couple of days in a row, and the pain was so excruciating, I cried hysterically. And then a night or two as I tried to find a comfortable position in bed, I broke down again.

I was not at peace.

I asked for prayer…and lots of it.

I checked my thoughts, reminding myself I will be okay in time.

I prayed myself.

Tomorrow I will have an open MRI. I went for a closed one today where they stick you in a tunnel…but I thought I was going to an open MRI where they don’t stick you in a tunnel. And I confess, I had a lack of peace. I couldn’t do it. Despite the very nice MRI technician’s attempts to get me to breathe, I just couldn’t calm down in that tunnel.

I will try again tomorrow. I feel a bit like a “peace failure.” Yes, me, the one who just recently “wrote the book” on peace. It’s not always easy to find when we’re up against things that scare us.

I’m thinking I need to have a few Scriptures looping through my mind. And I need to tweak them so they speak directly to me and drown out the other thoughts that want to keep me scared. My friend Heather Jeffery of Straighten Your Crown on Facebook reminded me of how important it is to insert ourselves into the Scriptures.

And that’s just what I’ll do now and into tomorrow. I'm using loose translations to help me remember...

  • I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

  • Help me Lord not to be anxious about anything but in everything, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, I present my requests to you God. And your peace, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

  • Help me Lord to keep my mind captive to you. 2 Corinthians 10:5

  • I will not be afraid, because I know you never leave or forsake me, Lord. Deuteronomy 31:6

Do you ever pray this way, using the Scriptures? It's pretty simple, but really powerful. Try it!

I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Of course, I’d appreciate your prayers. And please know I mean it when I say you can always count on me to pray for you. Just hit reply to share your request.

Peace be with us,


This Week on the MomVision Podcast I'm talking About Mom Guilt

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Elise Daly Parker

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