
Elise Daly Parker

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How to Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet

Dear Friend, January can feel a little blah with shorter days, gray skies, and the aftermath of all the excitement of the holidays. That’s why I love doing my Vision Board! It’s a powerful step forward that re-energizes me for the year ahead. It’s like putting my stake in the ground and saying, “Yes! I believe in my dreams and believe they can come true.” Of course, you can’t make dreams a reality unless you: Dare to imagine the life you really want. Articulate clearly your desires through...

Happy Fall Y’All! I love this time of year – the crisper air, brilliant colors, cozy sweaters. At least for a few days, there’s a bit of a lull between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Oh, I know that’s not true commercially, but often in our homes, schools, offices there’s a slightly slower pace. We know what’s coming…don’t we? So I like to spend this little sliver of time, before the holiday rush, aka the holidaze, taking a few deep breaths and finding ways to commemorate this season of thanks....

Hey Mama, Are you navigating the sometimes-rough and usually-choppy waters of back-to-school season? My kids are grown and flown. But this season is still a lot - even without the school supplies, new teachers, first-day jitters and photos. Because it’s still a new season. Whether we’re in the thick of momming or not, late summer and early fall often mean more. More structured schedules, more activities on the calendar, more work assignments (whether we work from home or outside the home)....

Dear Friend, I'm just popping in one last time to remind you - The Virtual Vision Board Workshop is tonight! We've got a wonderful group and I know there are aha moments, deep insights, and clarity in store for all participants. So Join Us!! Click Here to Register for the Virtual Vision Board Workshop!! Registration closes at 6:00 pm tonight, Thursday, January 12, and the Workshop begins at 7:30 pm, EST. Even if you have no materials on hand, you can make a digital board. We'll show you how....

Dear Friend, How are you feeling about this next year? Are you determined? Excited? Chill? Did you choose One Word to guide this next year? I’ve heard so many good ones – Learn, Cultivate, Begin, Declutter, Focus, Discipline, Create. The list goes on. Maybe you’ve sworn off resolutions, themes, and one words. Because with the best of intentions, come February you’re not even sure what you were aiming for. So why bother? There is a way I’ve found to keep our goals, plans, and dreams...

Dear Friend, Are you feeling a little behind already when it comes to this New Year? Well you just might be comparing yourself to too many picture-perfect social media posts! Raise your hand if you are more like me out here in the real world easing into 2023. Oh phew - I knew it wasn't just me! And, if you are a planner who uses systems well and already have your One Word or a theme, Scripture, etc., and are well on your way to implementing your New Year's goals, yay you! Regardless, there's...

Dear Friend, Have you ever felt a little lost? A little unanchored? Like a boat without a rudder? This past fall, my family gathered in a lovely rustic cabin at the edge of a lake in the Poconos. We were celebrating my daughter’s 45th birthday. It was a glorious day – bright blue sky, leaves lightly lilting in the cooler air of fall, the crystal-clear lake shimmering in the sun. I ventured out in a pedal boat with my hubby and two grandchildren. Moving across the lake at a snail’s pace,...

Hi there, Mom, Are you a yes gal? I’ve been thinking about this lately for a few reasons. One – Sciatica has imposed restrictions on me. I’ve been forced to say no to activities I’d rather say yes to. Two - Despite my inability to say yes, I feel guilty that I might be letting someone down. Three – One of my stories in my new devotional book Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World is When Your No Leads to Peace. (Here's a FREE Mother's Day gift just for my readers - A copy of that story, along...

Hi there, Mom! Though not like Christmas, Easter is still a holiday of gift-giving. So it's got me feeling thankful for the many gifts sprinkled throughout life, if we pay attention. Thanks for the gift of your concern about me. I am doing better. I got through my MRI and let's just say my back has issues. I’m still on a lot of bedrest, but I’m getting better each day. Thanks to all the rest, prayers, three to four times of physical therapy each week…and also the kindness of others. Can I...

Hey Mama! It’s the darndest thing… Just last week I was on a total high with all the good stuff that was happening. I was honored to have guest articles sharing some of the key lessons I’ve learned on the path of life. There was the announcement of my new book, Unshakable Peace in an Unsteady World. And I have a few guest spots coming up on some podcasts that I’m excited about. It was thrilling. Cue the line “Everything’s going my way…” from Oklahoma’s “Oh What a Beautiful Morning.” Then, the...